Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hawiian Fried Noodles

This was a recipe that my Auntie Nana from Hawaii taught me. It is so easy and you can make it as big or as small as you want! For my family I make it as follows:

What you need:
8 packs Ramen Noodles (I use beef flavor)
2 bunches green onions
1 can of Spam (a Hawiian food staple)
8 eggs

How to make:
Chop up your Spam and green onions. Fry your Spam in a small amount of oil to prevent sticking to your pan. Add your green onions in for a minute before taking the Spam off the stove. Move aside. Scramble your eggs, fry them up and set aside. Next you need to cook your noodles till they fall apart. You need to make sure they are still firm or they won't taste right. Put your seasoning packets aside for use later. Drain your noodles.

Making sure you have a big enough frying pan or an electric skillet, put your drained noodles in the pan and fry over medium heat, adding your green onions, spam, and scrambled eggs. Add oil occasionally to prevent sticking. Sprinkle your seasoning packets over the top and stir the noodles up. I usually will add one seasoning packet at a time, stirring between adding each one. This is enough to feed all 6 of us, my boys have a huge appetite!

Some people I've given this recipe to have used polska kielbaska or ham instead of spam. One friend even added pineapple (not my choice, but she loved it). Let me know what you think!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing recipe.
Few words are new to me like Spam but will find out.
All I can say :
Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou !
Keep writing.

Angie said...

Spam is a processed meat in a can. Not so great by itself, too salty, but in dishes it's good.